Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Crafty goodness

Okay, so enough of the depressing posts. On Friday I took the day off work and went to the Craft and Quilt Fair at Darling Harbour with my mother and mother-in-law. It was my birthday present to myself. Dan said I could buy whatever I wanted... heheh. He knows how to make me happy!

I had a great time. My mother-in-law and I attended a class called "Crochet Techniques" later in the afternoon (My mother said she'll just get me to show her what I learned). It was great! I already know the basics of crocheting, but it was really good to have someone show them to me properly. I found out that there are a few things I've been doing wrong all this time. AND I learned the terminology such that I am now able to read patterns (mostly)!

We were inspired by the Quilt Show - there are some absolutely amazing quilts there. It did depress me a little bit, though, which is partly responsible for that last post. I'd love to be able to create these beautiful pieces of art but TIME! There's not enough time!! I did buy a whole bunch of "fat quarters" (0.25m bits of fabric) and have quite a collection now....

This bunch are so groovy - I can't wait to get started on them. I think the best part of quilting is designing them and choosing the fabrics. The actual sewing part is a bit tedious, especially if you have to hand sew them. In my opinion, anyway.

Tonight I got out some wool and started back into the crocheting. I guess I should finish some of the projects that I'm half way through, but I really just want to practice my techniques and reading patterns. Cool! Yay! I loathe not doing anything with my hands when I'm lounging in front of the tele.

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