Friday, June 30, 2006

Yummy lunch

Every Thursday a guy from Dan's office, Joe, organises a lunch outing with the rest of the guys. I occasionally go depending on how much work I have to do and where they are going - they usually leave quite early (11:30am) as Joe gets HUNGRY and wants to avoid the crowds. Once we went into town - there's a food court hidden away under a supermarket with a good variety of asian outlets. He goes there for one dish only. The hot pot bibimbap from the Korean place. I didn't try it that time, but ever since then I've been curious about the dish, especially since seeing it several more times in various places. So, I told Dan to make sure that I was included in the next trip to the city.

Yesterday the day finally came! I couldn't wait. My tummy couldn't wait, either... We left a little later than Joe's usual time (thank goodness), but managed to miss a chunk of the city worker lunchtime crowd. I ordered my hotpot and waited anxiously for it to be prepared.

And then it was ready! The dish was sizzling, the chilli sauce was hot, the kimchi was spicy and the rice was crispy! I hurt my finger on the side of the bowl (wow, it was really hot) and burnt my tongue on the hot food. But it was worth it. Yum. Can't wait to go back again.

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