Tuesday, January 10, 2006

Childcare begins

Atticus started childcare for the first time yesterday. I spent the day in with him (I wonder if they'll charge me for that). He was so happy, so much stimulation and age-appropriate toys! Except for when it came to sleep time. Oh no, wouldn't have it. He cried and cried and played and laughed and cried. He ended up getting half an hour of sleep the ENTIRE day that we were there. This is the boy who was having almost three hour naps in the morning last week at home with Dad, and another two hours in the afternoons!

So today I had to come to work. I left him there happy, stuffing his face with a crumpet and watching the other children. I told the staff that he was due for his nap but I couldn't stay. I hope they'll be able to settle him. They were expecting me to stay the day again with them, I think. Ha! As much as I'd like to, I have a job which I need to attend in order to pay the exorbitant fees that child care demand. Argh.

And to top it all off I left my mobile phone at home today so they will have a hard time contacting me. d'oh! What a day. Well I'll try and pick up the boys early if I can. Hopefully that will help things.

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