Tuesday, January 31, 2006

Yay! Big school!

We took Dante to his first day of Kindergarten this morning. It was very exciting and perhaps a little scary. For me, anyway.

I got up at 6:30am to get myself ready, make his lunch, get him changed, feed him breakfast, wake up Atticus, feed him, wake up Dan and leave in time to battle the morning traffic and get to school on time. I wouldn't have made it if my mother hadn't come over and helped by doing almost everything for me! We needed to leave by 8:15am to make sure we got there on time. It was a bit of an effort but we actually made it! Found a car space and everything! Walked through the gates at 8:50am. How about that?!

When we got there our friends Joe and Chris were waiting at the gates to witness the momentous occasion. Dante excitedly told them that he was starting "big school" and then marched straight inside without a backwards glance. The school grounds were filled with kids in red uniforms and their parents. He confidently walked straight towards the Kindergarten classrooms, the location of which we learnt during the orientation mornings last year. He hung up his bag on the hooks outside the classroom and strolled inside the classroom. It was crowded with anxious parents and nervous children. Dante spotted a friend from childcare and went up to her. She was happily painting having asked the teacher if she could. Dante wandered around between the two classrooms, checking them out before deciding that he wanted to paint, too. The two kids were so calm and relaxed. It's a big argument for childcare/pre-school!

When it was time to leave he was very happy to say goodbye and give us hugs and kisses. Didn't look back as we tentatively stepped away. Dan and I both gave a big sign of relief and left. It was a momentous occasion. We didn't cry like some parents do, but we had been a little nervous. In fact I have to admit that I was a little shaky when we got there, but that could have been because I was carrying the heavy lug that is Atticus! Yes, that's right. I hope he'll be all right today... eats his lunch, makes some friends and doesn't get into trouble. I can't wait to pick him up this afternoon and hear what he has to say about his day!

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