Thursday, April 06, 2006

One week... then China!

Well, as usual, the time has flown by, and it is now one week until I go to China. It's very exciting, although I am a bit worried and anxious as well. Atticus has not been so easy to put to sleep the last few nights and I hope he'll be good for his dad! I'm not too worried about Dante - he is growing up so much, especially since starting school. This evening Dan came home late from work and Dante was so good looking after himself in the bath while I put Atticus to bed (which took longer than it should). Prior to the dinner-bath-bed routine, he happily sat down at his desk (formerly his "craft table") and did his homework. What a good kid. He makes me so happy, except for when he is infuriating me, which is too often these days. I'll miss them all so much when I'm overseas.

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