Tuesday, February 28, 2006

The woes of Dante

Dante: "Mama, can you stop my brain?"
Me: "What? No, Dante, I can't. Why do you want to stop your brain?"
D: "It's full of things."
Me: "Well, that's a good thing. It means that you're learning."
D: "I don't like it! Can't you get the mummies* out of my head?"
Me: "Just try and think of something else, like Star Wars."
D: "Okay, Mama, I'll try."

*He has been learning about Ancient Egypt from somewhere - I'm guessing school. He came home one day asking about embalmers and mummies. And decided that he did not want to become a mummy when he dies.


Anonymous said...

I have this problem too! I so wish my brain came with an off switch. My brain is always thinking, thinking, thinking! Though usually not of mummies.

Jen said...

Oh sure, Shannon. I bet you're always thinking of mummies. You can't hide your Egyptology roots from me!! :)

Jaime said...

pfft, its so true jen, shes always compaining about the mummies.